Lindseyjuly's Blog

My life as a math teacher, wife, daughter, and new momma.

9 Months Old February 8, 2014

Filed under: Baby,Baby by Month — LindseyJuly @ 12:56 PM
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Avery was 9 months old on February 1st!  It’s very hard to believe that she is  closer to being a year old than to being a newborn.  The past month went by very quickly, as it was super busy.  We spent a fun Saturday in Bolivar with Granny and Granddad, and had a great weekend in Macon with Grandma and Grandpa.  Adam and I started a grad class this semester…which makes it feel like we have even less down-time because now we always have math homework looming over our heads.  However, the best part about this class is it’s my last one, EVER.  I have absolutely no desire to ever get my doctorate, so this will be the end for me and I couldn’t be more thrilled.  The countdown begins to the end of this semester, to the end of my master’s, and to a summer off with our sweet 1-year old!!!


Weight — 16 pounds, 9 ounces. (up from 6 lbs, 15 oz at birth)

Length —  27.75 inches. (up from 20 inches at birth)

Month 9 - Front  Month 9 - Grin and Kick

Month 9 - Funny Face 2 Month 9 - Funny Face Month 9 - profile

Month 9 - Crawling Month 9 - Sitting

Momma&Avery MommasSmiler Month 9 - Closeup

Month 9 - Standing Backside Month 9 - Standing CUTE

What has changed over the last month?

-Avery is crawling everywhere.  She finally figured out how to crawl forward and not just backwards.  So now she is all over the place.  It’s so cute!  

-She is also pulling up on everything.  She can even cruise around objects, holding on and inching herself all the way down the couch.  Avery also loves to be a daredevil, standing there with only one hand securely on an object…almost as if she’s pointing out how talented she is.  Pretty funny.  

-She “talks” and talks and talks…still, but is now making even more sounds than before.

-Avery has definitely mastered the wave.  She can wave hello or goodbye and can even do it just after hearing the words, not simply by mocking someone else.

-Her favorite things to play with are not any of her toys…it’s any object that she can find that we’ve accidentally left in her reach like a remote control, magazine, or bottle of water.

A Favorite of the Month:

All of her big firsts.  It was so exciting to watch her crawl for the first time and to see her get more efficient at pulling up and standing up on pretty much anything she sets her mind to.

In the next month I am most looking forward to…

Surviving and enjoying the relaxing moments.  Lot’s of homework and work to get through this month, and crossing my fingers that none of us get sick again.


8 Months Old January 4, 2014

Filed under: Baby,Baby by Month — LindseyJuly @ 7:16 AM
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Avery was 8 months old on January 1st.  She continues to grow and change each and every day…which is so incredibly amazing and fun to watch.  Being another month older, she also got to experience her first Christmas.  It was quite exhausting for Adam and I, but it was also even more enjoyable than in years past–watching Avery’s reaction to opening gifts and thinking about how very different it will be next year.  She is still my little sweetheart and I love her endlessly!

I was not able to capture her huge grin for her 8 month pictures.  She is much too focused now and what that contraption is that keeps flashing at her.  If she keeps this up I may have to switch over to taking these pics with my iPhone, which she is much more used to.  She also did not want to stay in one spot!


Weight — 15.5 pounds…my estimate. (up from 6 lbs, 15 oz at birth)

Length — 26+ inches. (up from 20 inches at birth)

Month 8 - 2

Month 8

Month 8 - rollover

Month 8 - side

Month 8 - serious

Month 8 - sitting 2 Month 8 - sitting
Month 8 - yawn

Month 8 - closeup  Month 8 - tummy

What has changed over the last month?

-Avery is still not crawling…but boy is she close.  By rolling, twisting, squirming, and scooting backwards she can pretty much end up where ever she would like.  Although she tends to get stick under our furniture quite frequently by scooting backwards, then can’t make it out going forward.  Maybe crawling by next month?

-She “talks” and talks and talks…constantly.

-Avery loves to eat.  So far I haven’t fed her anything that she doesn’t like, other than she is still pretty set only eating pureed food.  Granted she has no teeth, so maybe that will change when some teeth finally come in.

-She loves to play with anything and everything, particular those things that aren’t actually toys.

– Avery can give high-fives, can sometimes wave, every now and then will mimic back a sound you have made, and she will laugh back at you if you laugh.  Love this!


A Favorite of the Month: Her giggling fits!  Several times I have made her laugh over and over again for almost five minute solid.  It’s hilarious and usually occurs at night right before she is about to drift off to sleep.


In the next month I am most looking forward to…

-Time.  Always time with my two loves!


7 Months Old December 1, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Baby by Month — LindseyJuly @ 4:34 PM
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Time continues to fly.  Avery is 7 months old today, and it’s the first day of December.  Crazy!!!

Adam and I survived our first holiday–Thanksgiving, visiting family in two different locations and introducing Avery to lots of cousins for the first time.  She was a doll baby.  She was extremely happy and smiled most of the time.  She traveled well and made things much easier than they could have been.  I swear she gets cuter by the day…but then again I know I’m partial.


Weight — 15 pounds…my estimate. (up from 6 lbs, 15 oz at birth)

Length — 25 inches at least.  Did not measure today though. (up from 20 inches at birth)

Month 7

Month 7 - side action  Month 7 - side

Month 7 - closeup 2  Month 7 - closeup

Month 7 - face

Month 7 - sitting closeup

Month 7 - sitting side view

Month 7 - sitting  Month 7 - sitting2

Month 7 - birds eye view

What has changed over the last month?

-Avery can sit all on her now.  We still like to put pillows and padding around her just in case…but she doesn’t really need it.

-She is so close to crawling and has also started to attempt to pull up on stuff, though hasn’t done either successfully yet.

-She babbles nonstop and smiles more than ever.  She is a happy baby!

-Avery has started eating fruits and veggies now, and most nights seems to enjoy them.

-She wants to play with and grab everything in sight.  Catalogs are her favorite to grab and wrinkle or rip the pages…especially on Daddy’s lap.

A Favorite of the Month: After being away from Adam or I, even just after a nap she now seems so happy to see us each time, greeting us with a huge smile and usually even making some type of noise to try to say “hello.”  She is so much fun at this age.

In the next month I am most looking forward to…

-Our first Christmas as a family of 3, including all the time off we get together during that time.


6 Months Old November 23, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Baby by Month — LindseyJuly @ 5:06 PM
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Avery was 6 months old on November 1st.  Half a year has truly flown by with this girl in our lives.  Everything is completely different, but also amazing and wonderful.  I love and adore my Adam and Avery more than I thought possible.


Weight — 13 pounds, 15 oz (up from 6 lbs, 15 oz at birth)

Length — 25.25 inches (up from 20 inches at birth)

I don’t normally post 10 pictures for my monthly post…but I just couldn’t stand to cull any of these.  She is starting to have quite a personality, so several of these just crack me up!  Her smile is truly the best.

Month 6 - 1

Month 6 - 2

Month 6 - candid

Month 6 - closeup corner

Month 6 - closeup

Month 6 - closeup2

Month 6 - corner funny

Month 6 - corner

Month 6 - side smile

Month 6 - side

What has changed over the last month?

-More than I can type, and more than I have time for.

-Avery is sitting on her own now!!!  This happened about a week ago.  She couldn’t sit alone on November 1st when I took the above pictures in the corner, though she was close.

-She says Ma Ma Ma, a LOT…but usually when she’s crying and upset.  So it’s not necessarily a good thing when I hear it.  She also says Da Da here and there too. :)

A Favorite of the Month: After Daddy got back from deer hunting for four days…and her being really sick and still not feeling great, she could not stop giggling with him that night.  She clearly missed him like I did.

In the next month I am most looking forward to…

-Avery possibly starting to crawl.  She is oh so close!

-Each weekend that I get time with both Avery and Adam together.

-Even more growing and changing.

-Loving on her every chance I get.


5 Months Old

Filed under: Baby by Month — LindseyJuly @ 4:50 PM
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Avery was 5 months old on October 1st.  I took pictures that day…but have been so busy that my blog has gone by the way side.  :(

Here they are, almost two months late:


Month 5 - 1

Month 5 - 2

Month 5 - closeup

Month 5 - corner

Month 5 - crawl

Month 5 - side 2

Month 5 - side


4 Months Old September 8, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Baby by Month — LindseyJuly @ 5:40 AM
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Another month has passed and Avery is now 4 months old. Time seems to be going so fast, especially now with being back to work. I’m finally coping better with being away from Avery each day…but that still doesn’t mean I like it. I’m so very appreciative and relieved to be taking Avery to Mom’s or Mari’s each day, but I still wish it were me that got to spend the whole day with her. I crave the weekends like never before, knowing that I get two entire days with her, instead of just a few hours each afternoon and evening. My heart has been stolen again by this little girl, just like it was almost four years ago by her Daddy. I love those two more than I could have ever imagined!


Weight — 11 pounds, 14 oz (up from 6 lbs, 15 oz at birth; up from 10 lbs last month)

Length — 23.5 inches (up from 20 inches at birth; up from 22.75 inches last month)

Month 4 -1

Month 4 -2

Month 4 - side

Month 4 side2

Month 4 - corner

Month 4 - corner closeup

What has changed over the last month?

-Avery rolled for the first time about three weeks ago. Now she does it all the time. However, so far she can only go from her back to her tummy. She will roll over again and again, then get “stuck” after a while and start to cry. She has even done this a few times in the middle of the night in her crib. She has gotten very speedy at it too. When she decides she wants to roll over, it’s only a matter of seconds and she is there.

-She has lost the majority of the dark hair she was born with, but is now getting lots and lots of new hair, especially on top. This hair is not nearly as dark…more of a light brown. Her bald spot in the back still remains though. I’m hoping this will go away soon.

-Avery prefers to “stand” when being held. She goes stiff-legged and wants to bear weight on her legs. You pretty much have to force her to bend her legs if you want her to sit on your lap. Along with this she is quite the little mover and squirmer.

-She continues to be aware of more and more things around her. Despite the fact that our TV sits up really high in our living room, she has figured out where it is and will turn to try to watch it. She doesn’t want to sleep as much either, because there is too much to look at. She stays awake in the car a lot more than before, but still seems to be a pretty good sleeper after about 15 minutes of the lull of the moving car.

-Her dexterity continues to improve as well. She reaches for, bats at, grabs, holds on to just about anything she can.

-She loves to sit on my lap and listen to me read her books. She isn’t always that interested in the pictures though…I think she just enjoys the cuddling. I can’t wait until she is really into the stories as well.

-Avery smiles and smiles and smiles. When I wake her up in the mornings most days she has a smile for me. When I see her for the first time after work she smiles at me. Every time she gets a diaper change she smiles. She grins at silly noises and of course at Daddy. I looove that big grin!

-Still lots of cooing and “talking” too.

A Favorite of the Month: I can’t really think of just one instance this month. But I do love holding her in front of the mirror in her room and watching her reaction. Most of the time she smiles really big, then hides her face in my shoulder, almost like she is shy. Then she will slowly turn and look again, repeating the smile and turning away.


In the next month I am most looking forward to…

-Avery learning to roll back from her tummy to her back.

-Each weekend that I get time with both Avery and Adam together.

-Even more growing and changing.


3 Months Old August 4, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Baby by Month — LindseyJuly @ 3:26 PM
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Avery was 3 months old on August 1st.  Time seems to be flying by, along with our summer, which is basically over.  The past three months we have already seen so much growth and change in Avery, it just seems unreal!  I feel as if I love this little girlie more and more with each passing day.  She is my little sweetheart and I can’t even imagine life without her now.

Stats: (my estimations this time, since we didn’t see the pediatrician this month) 

Weight — 10.2 pounds  (up from 6 lbs, 15 oz at birth; up from 9 lbs, 9 oz last month)

Length — 22.75 inches  (up from 20 inches at birth; up from 22 inches last month)

Month 3 - 1

Month 3 - 2

Month 3 - side

Month 3 - Moms Hand

Month 3 - closeup2

Month 3 - closeup

What has changed over the past 4 weeks?

-Avery is starting to have a little personality.  She smiles all the time, many times just even at the sight of Adam or I’s face when we’ve been away for a while or after she wakes from a nap.

-She “talks” a lot now.  Every couple of days it seems like she is making a new noise that I’ve never heard before.  It’s also so cute because she has one specific noise that she tends to make again and again with just Daddy.  And with me she has a whole variety of noises that she makes.  Plus she thinks Daddy is hilarious!!!

-Her skinny little legs have started to fill out and almost look chubby now!  And after losing some of her hair during the first month, she is starting to grow some back in again.

-She constantly seems to notice more and more things and can spot myself or Dad from across the room.  With this also comes her realizing when I have left the room where she can longer see me…which can then lead to some screaming until I come back.  Not so good when it comes to carrying in groceries when I have to make several trips, but I like it nonetheless.

-She has started reaching and grabbing things.  She isn’t very efficient at this just yet, but seems to get better at it each day.

-Avery is now sleeping through the night…usually about 6-7 hours at a time.  Hopefully this will continue once school starts.

-She seems to be out of newborn size clothes completely now.  It makes me a little sad to pack away some of her adorable newborn clothes and amazes me how much she has grown in such a short amount of time.

A Favorite of the Month:  I took Avery in the backyard to watch Adam swing his golf club and she thought it was the funniest thing ever.  She actually laughed out loud each time he would swing.  It was the first time I had heard her really laugh.  SO CUTE!!!!


In the next month I am most looking forward to…

-Watching Avery continue to change and grow.

-Hopefully adjusting well to our new school schedule.  I know it will be really tough, but I’m hoping that it will go as smoothly as possible!



2 Months Old July 7, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Baby by Month — LindseyJuly @ 12:01 PM
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Avery was 2 months old on July 1st.  It is truly amazing how much she has changed in just 2 months time.  It really seems like every few days there is a new pattern in her behavior or something new that she has started doing.  It’s hard to keep up some times, but also so much fun!  Some how I feel that my love for her grows each and every day…even at the times when she still cries uncontrollably for no apparent reason.  :) 


Weight — 9 lbs, 9 oz.  (up from 6 lbs, 15 oz at birth)

Length — 22 inches  (up from 20 inches at birth)

Month 2

Month 2 - 2

Month 2 - side

Month 2 - closeup

What has changed over the past 4 weeks?

-Avery is very much awake all the time now, and doesn’t cry nearly as often when she is going to sleep.

-She stares and checks out everything now.  She loves to look at new things and even seems to be getting bored at times when she is just being held still if you aren’t talking to her or giving her something to look at.

-We have had to retire several of her newborn onesies, as they are now to small–lengthwise.  She is also fitting into several 0-3 months clothes now too.

-She now coos and makes adorable sounds while she is playing.  She also “talks” back to us a lot, making sounds and every now and then mimicking the same sounds we make.

-My Next to Favorite:  She has started sleeping much longer at night, so now I only have to get up once in the middle of the night to feed her.  Our longest stretch so far has been her sleeping for about 5 hours!

-My Favorite:  In the last week or so she has started smiling/grinning at us!  It is THE cutest thing ever, and I LOVE it!!!!


In the next month I am most looking forward to…

-Watching Avery continue to change on a daily basis.

-Working on getting her to fall asleep on her own without being held every single time.  This has happened a few times, but we are hoping to up the frequency.

-Enjoying every last minute of the last days of summer with Adam and Avery.  I can’t believe it’s almost over!  :(

8 Weeks Later…1.8WeeksLater

While the zooms aren’t the same, if you look at the pattern on the chair you can see how much she has grown in length.  And obviously by looking at the sleeper there is a big difference in the way it fits!


1 Month Old June 3, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Baby by Month,Good Times — LindseyJuly @ 8:06 PM
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Well, Adam and I survived the first month with our precious Avery Grace.  And by survived, I hope no one takes that to be a negative…however, anyone who has had a newborn knows exactly what I mean by this.  It has truly been the toughest four weeks of my life!  However, it has also been the most rewarding and special and amazing and the list goes on and on with positive words here.  I do miss sleeping a consecutive 8-9 hours a night, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything when I pick up our baby girl and feel her melt into my arms.  I love and adore her more than words can describe.

Month 1 - side

Month 1

What has changed over the past 4 weeks?

-At Avery’s four week check-up she was up to 8 pounds, 2 ounces.

-She now looks and stares at our faces.

-She smiles, though not at anything specific…I can’t wait for her to actually smile at us!

-She has a little activity gym that she loves to lay under and look at.

-She is also awake and looking around soo much more than she was the first few weeks.  She doesn’t just sleep ALL the time.  With this though, she now sometimes likes to be awake in the middle of the night for an hour or more at a time.  This I could do without.  :)

It’s very hard to believe that it has already been a month since…

-Avery has been in our lives.

-I was extremely pregnant.  Looking at the last belly picture I took, I already can’t believe I was that big.  It just seems crazy.

-I slept more than 3 hours in a row at a time.  Being a lover of sleep, I never thought this would be possible, but I’m still functioning and being somewhat productive.  Some days my grumpiness at being so tired is hard to overcome though.  Sorry Adam.

-I have been out of school/not working.  The best is that Adam and I still have all of June and July to enjoy Avery and time together as a family of 3.

In the next few weeks I am most looking forward to…

-Watching Avery change on a daily basis.

-Avery crying less…our pediatrician told us crying peaks at 6 weeks, so we’ve only got a few more to get through before it starts getting better.

-Heading to Macon to see the Grandparents.  I know they can’t wait to see Avery, as a month has been too long!

-Getting back into the groove of exercising and going to the gym again.  I haven’t been since the night before Avery was born.  So I’m very ready to get back into a routine and trying to get back into shape.

-Testing out more yummy dinner recipes that do not involve carbs.  Adam and I are working to eat less carbs.  This week we made Lasagna with no pasta, and pizza with a cauliflower crust.  We were surprised with how much we enjoyed both and didn’t miss the carbs one bit!  The crust can be found HERE and the Lasagna can be found HERE.

Recent Favorites of my Girl:

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